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Shendu Blockchain Live: Bitcoin Breaks $66500, Is the Starting Point of a Bull Market or an Illusionary Trap?

2024-09-28 12:00

Click on the link to enter the live stream: Judging from the indicator ma, the candlestick is running steadily above the moving average of each cycle, and it is moving upwards. This market trend is not judged by the moving average, and the bullish trend is obvious. Judging from MACD, the peak deviation has already started yesterday, and the energy column is also decreasing in deviation. All market trends are strong, coupled with trading volume, the market trading volume is not as active as the previous 65000 period. Personally, I still prefer high altitude. Judging from the naked k, the current market is breaking through the double top pressure of 65000. Whether it can stand firm or not, we have to wait until Monday to judge. We cannot judge now. The strength of the daily bullish candlestick has also slowed down. High altitude is sufficient Market suggestion: Sell 66500 short and defend 67000. Target 62800 Please pay attention to the live broadcast room at 8 pm tonight for specific suggestions. Tencent Meeting Number: 5551765098 QQ group number: 691063325 Disclaimer: The above content only represents the author's personal opinion and is for communication and sharing purposes only. It does not represent AICoin's position or viewpoint and does not constitute any investment advice. Based on this investment, there may be external contacts, which have nothing to do with AICoin, and the consequences shall be borne by oneself.
