The committee’s letter marks the latest move among lawmakers to crack down on alleged debanking.“The Committee seeks to understand whether this pattern of debanking stems from financial institutions themselves or from government actors,” according to the letter.
BlockBeats News: On January 25th, according to Matthew Sigel, Director of Digital Asset Research at VanEck, Petrobras, one of the world's top ten oil companies, announced the launch of a new research and development (R&D) project that includes Bitcoin mining and tokenization.
The current total position of OKX BTC options contract is 25396.8 BTC, with a 9.51% decline in the past 24 hours, indicating a decrease in the activity of the options trading market. Data for reference only
Interpretation: Option holding refers to the total number of unexercised option contracts in the market, which can reflect the current market's views and expectations on the future price trend of a certain underlying asset. Data for reference only