The sparse chips within the current price range indicate that the market is prone to breakthroughs. However, a large number of chips have accumulated in the high position area, resulting in a significant increase in pressure above. The support level is close to 1900, and the resistance is around 2100. The distribution of chips highlights the criticality of market trends, and using our membership indicators can more accurately assess potential trend changes. In addition, the 2-hour cycle technical indicators also show downward pressure. The MACD dead cross signal and shrinking trading volume suggest weak short-term market sentiment. Based on multiple technical indicators, there is a risk of further correction in the current trend, and it is necessary to closely monitor whether the price falls below EMA52, which is an important reference in the near future. Join as a member to obtain accurate chip distribution and grasp market trends! Value is at your fingertips. The data is sourced from the PRO member's [ETH/USDT Binance 2-hour] K-line, for reference only, and does not constitute any investment advice.