Odaily Daily News: To celebrate the return of Telegram CEO Durov, Web3 entertainment platform Catizen announced that popular games Bombie and Cattea within its ecosystem will hold carnival celebrations. Catizen is one of the largest entertainment platforms in the TON ecosystem, with 61 million users currently. It is a TON ecosystem project endorsed and supported by Durov.
According to Lookonchain monitoring, a trader seems to have been following Kanye West's tweets and automatically buying YZY tokens after forwarding them, but ended up losing $465600 within an hour. Additionally, the trader paid 75 SOLs (approximately $10000) to JitoTip for priority trading.
HTX-BTC perpetual contract is now reported at $84205.3. According to market contract position analysis, the main force lacks confidence in the future market, and the price may decline. Please hold positions reasonably and control risks