Signum Capital表示,传统固定的四年加密货币周期模式可能已不再适用。当前市场表现呈现出更短、更分散的周期特征,主要受到宏观经济变化、监管动态以及快速发展的市场叙事驱动。
在这一不断变化的市场环境中,保持参与尤为重要。对于加密领域的投资者而言,关键在于保持信息敏感性和灵活性。在市场低迷时期,持续研究、追踪新兴叙事并识别适当的风险介入时机,将有助于更好地把握机会,应对这一反射性市场的新格局。 (PANews)
Binance EOS/USDT perpetual trading volume surged 39 times within 10 minutes, with a turnover of 53.45 million US dollars in the past 24 hours, a decrease of 1.73%.
A surge in trading volume generally indicates an increase in market trading activity or large-scale fund buying and selling operations, which may be caused by certain important market changes or news announcements.
AICoin monitoring, US government address reported to 0xB 2 hours ago A total of 884 ETH with a value of approximately 1.7734 million US dollars have been transferred via 74b, and the price may decrease
Data for reference only
GameStop is issuing $1.3 billion in convertible notes to fund a corporate Bitcoin treasury, drawing comparisons to Strategy’s high-profile pivot.Investors remain divided, with some seeing potential for long-term gains, while others worry about stock dilution and the company’s history of financial struggles.