According to BlockBeats, on March 31st, analyst Adam released a daily report on cryptocurrency options trading, stating that the largest option blocks last weekend were 250 78000Puts due on April 1st and 250 80000Puts due on April 1st. Strategic logic: Bet that the market weakness will continue to decline after the delivery in March. Since the eve of delivery, there has been an increase in such naked put option operations. This weekend, we will directly add 500 positions and spend nearly $300000 in premium.
Adam suggests that the Whale bet is bearish without protection, which is a strong bearish signal and requires constant attention to the risk of market downturns. There are fewer bulk trades on weekends, and other bulk trades mainly involve adjusting positions after monthly delivery. Calendar spreads and vertical spreads are the most popular combinations. Overall, negative Delta and positive Theta are the main trends, and a gradual decline is the mainstream view in the market. ETH will have a stronger bearish tendency.