IntoTheBlock 发文表示,比特币持仓在 1 万到 10 万枚区间地址是此次下跌中的主要卖家,在过去 7 天内抛售了 25,740 BTC。 尽管如此,整体链上数据显示,比特币地址总体上是在囤积,表明许多交易者正在利用较低的价格增加他们的 BTC 持仓。(BlockBeats)
CoinDesk Indices presents its daily market update, highlighting the performance of leaders and laggards in the CoinDesk 20 Index.The CoinDesk 20 is currently trading at 2814.47, down 1.6% (-46.85) since 4 p.m. ET on Tuesday.See all newslettersTen of 20 assets are trading higher.Leaders: LTC (+7.9%) and ICP (+2.2%). Laggards: SOL (-5.6%) and UNI (-4.3%).The CoinDesk 20 is a broad-based index traded on multiple platforms in several regions globally.
The current price of HTX-BTC is $86513.25, a decrease of 0.83% in the past 24 hours. Among them, the total liquidation amount of contracts across the entire network in the past 1 hour was 17.62 million US dollars, with multiple main liquidation orders and BTC liquidation of 7.47 million US dollars (42.40%). The data is for reference only.
BTC's perpetual current price is $86454.60, with a momentary dip and a possibility of price increase. Please pay attention to your position situation. Data for reference only Pin warning is monitored by AiCoin's custom indicators. Click "Sync Warning" on the PC to immediately receive the same pin warning!
Delta Blockchain Fund founder Kavita Gupta is fronting a new startup called Inclusive Layer, designed to help people build blockchain applications on multiple chains without deep coding expertise.The product aims to abstract away technical friction and create liquidity aggregation between Ethereum, Solana, Base, Polygon or Arbitrum, according to a press release. The first app on Inclusive Layer is a cross-chain trading service called Caishen.See all newslettersSo-called picks and shovels offerings to take the headache out of blockchain development can be a smart play, especially if timed to meet a wave of new entrants to the space. Despite the existence of incumbents such as Alchemy and Swing, there appears to be a need for more help in making the development of cross-chain decentralized applications (dapps) easier.In the past couple of years, Gupta says she was frequently asked about how create cross-chain options, perps or simply memecoins, which provided the impetus to fill the gap.“Everybody really wants to build between Base and Solana,” Gupta said in an interview. “But building between those two and having them integrated is not at all easy. I started to see a huge gap: Why are people not able to build a robust white label cross-chain solution?”Gupta, who previously worked at ConsenSys Ventures, is joined by Blas Rodríguez Irizar, formerly CTO of Composable Foundation and a software engineer at ConsenSys, in the new project.Both Inclusive Layer and Caishen have been incubated by Delta Blockchain Fund, with support from GSR and Borderless.
OKX-ETH/USDT is currently trading at $2408.11, a decrease of 0.31% in 24 hours. Please pay attention to market fluctuations.