ARK Innovation ETF 周二出售了 203,659 股 Block Inc. 股票,周一出售了 323,332 股该公司股票。同样在周一,ARKK 基金购买了价值 940 万美元的 Coinbase 股票。(The Block)
Click on the link to enter the live stream: 1. In the market of the moving average, MA120 has already leveled off with another downward move, so the deterministic downward movement should be taken out. If there is a pullback, it should be taken out now. At the same time, the shape of the bottom triangle has fallen below the bottom range. Let's see if it can be closed up. If it cannot be closed up, it will develop into a downward flag shape; 2. The Boll market was judged yesterday to have exited a bearish trend, so it will quickly recover after a sell-off. Looking at it today, as long as it recovers from the range, Boll will completely enter a wide range of fluctuations, and a pullback will come as scheduled; 3. Within the range of quantitative energy, the VR market has hit a new low after last week's bullish trend, indicating the arrival of a second round of exploration and the gradual completion of the second round of fundraising; The market performance of OBV is still not good today, as it has hit a new low again, but the profit and loss are relatively good. Therefore, in the next two days, we will first see if the increment can recover from the previous sideways platform. If it recovers, V will return; 4. In the range of potential energy, the entire RSI and MFI are now in a double deviation, and as long as they return to the range, they will explore again; At present, there is no new low for CCI, which also indicates that the bottom of the current short cycle is basically stable. For the subsequent pullback, we will first look at the position of CCI and the zero axis, and the coin price can be seen around 90000 (the position between MA30 and MA120); 5. For the entire balanced range, let's first observe whether the end clouds can form a downward trend in the market. The teacher believes that it is difficult to form here because the clouds are thicker; At the same time, we will adhere to yesterday's viewpoint, and once the bottom is reached, we will enter a market where we will reverse and hit the sloping edge of the clouds, which is around 90000 yuan; Overall, although the daily market trend has fallen again, it is in line with the expected volatility of the weekly trend. Currently, being long is highly cost-effective; If the bottom shape is completed, it will stretch in the next two days, and the expected movement is around 90000; Tencent Meeting: 5658778060 QQ group number: 1011485129 Aicoin group: Disclaimers The above content only represents the author's personal opinion and is for communication and sharing purposes only. It does not represent AICoin's position or viewpoint and does not constitute any investment advice. Based on this investment, there may be external contacts, which have nothing to do with AICoin, and the consequences shall be borne by oneself.
The main large order is displayed on the K line in the form of a horizontal line, the thicker the line means the larger the pending order amount, and the longer the line represents the longer the pending order time
Odaily Planet Daily News: Binance announced the launch of a new review mechanism for Binance Alpha, which regularly comments on specific tokens. Given the inherent volatility and rapid development of the cryptocurrency industry, Binance's review process helps to dynamically adjust to ensure that all projects related to binary alpha continuously meet market driven evaluation standards. All tokens in the Binance Alpha section are evaluated within this framework:
Odaily Planet Daily News: EXPchain successfully completed the EXPHORIA upgrade at 02:00 UTC on March 12, 2025, significantly improving network performance and stability. The key points of this upgrade include: Shortened block time to 3 seconds, faster transaction speed Synchronize Ethereum's latest upgrade to adapt to the upcoming Prague Fork Optimize the Expander proof mechanism to lay the foundation for zkML proof precompilation Remove outdated forks to improve network stability and execution efficiency This EXPHORIA upgrade marks an important step for EXPchain towards a more efficient future!
On March 12th, according to Onchain Lens monitoring, a whale address mistakenly exchanged 220806 USDC for 5273 USDT through Uniswap, resulting in a loss of $215533.