Odaily星球日报讯 纽交所上市公司消费食品公司 DayDayCook 宣布,未来三个月内将购入 100 枚比特币并注入财务储备,该资金将通过以每股 0.50 美元至 1.25 美元的溢价价格向投资者发行 A 类普通股获得。首次交割 25 枚比特币将在 30 天内完成。 此外,加密做市商 Volmart CEO 杨再勇(Alex Yang)将出任战略顾问。(星球日报)
The current price of HTX-ETH is $1945.03, with a 1.23% increase in the past 24 hours. Among them, the total liquidation amount of contracts across the entire network in the past 1 hour was 11.97 million US dollars, with the main liquidation being short orders and ETH liquidation being 6.36 million US dollars (53.13%). The data is for reference only.
Odaily Planet Daily News: David Sacks responded to previous reports on X platform about his sale of cryptocurrency assets, stating that he did not "sell" cryptocurrency assets, but rather divested them in accordance with government ethical regulations. He emphasized that he had hoped to retain these assets, but the policy required him to carry out the operation. He added that it was his honor to serve President Trump and the American people.
OKX-BTC/USDT is currently trading at $83016.80, a decrease of 1.09% in 24 hours. Please pay attention to market fluctuations.
The Ethereum Foundation stated in its official blog that during the activation process of the Pectra testnet, issues were exposed with the configuration changes of deposit contracts on the Ethereum testnet on the client side. Although the recovery process of the Sepolia network was relatively direct and has now been fully restored, the Holesky network has experienced a large number of inactive leaks in the recovery mechanism. The Holesky network has since completed final confirmation, but it will take approximately one year for the exiting validators to be completely removed from the validator set. Although stakers can test deposits, merges, and all other Pectra features, the size of the exit queue makes it difficult for Holesky to test the complete validator lifecycle within a reasonable time frame. To address this issue, a new testing network has been launched: Hoodi。 It will activate the Pectra network upgrade at epoch 2048 (Wednesday, March 26, 2025 at 15:37:12 Beijing time). In the future, pledge operators and infrastructure providers should use Hoodi for validator testing. In order to allow time for migration, the Holesky testnet will support it until September 2025. All other Pectra features can be tested on Holesky except for validator exit. Summary of Testing Network and Its Applications: Holesky: Authenticator and Pledge Provider (expected termination date is September 30, 2025). Client developers will also use Holesky testing to increase gas restrictions and perform other protocol stress tests. Sepolia: Application and tool developers (expected termination date is September 30, 2026). Hoodi: Validators and pledge providers (expected termination date is September 30, 2028). Planned Sepolia alternative: expected to be launched in March 2026.
1. The US stock market fell sharply, with the Nasdaq down 1.71% 2. Trump wants to buy Bitcoin 3. Bitcoin ETF net inflow hits new high 4. EOS renamed to Vault, focusing on Web3 banking 5. Coinbase launches Verified Pools service 6. Switzerland approves digital asset platform BX Digital 7. Keyrock establishes office in New York 8. MEXC launches DEX+integration of on chain and off chain transactions The above is a selection of hot topics from the past 24 hours. Click to see the full article: https://www.aicoin.com/article/448543