The current price is below the moving average of EMA24 and EMA52, showing an overall downward trend, and the slope of EMA52 is downward, indicating a clear bearish signal in the medium term. According to the membership indicators, the current chip distribution is biased towards the high price area, with significant resistance around 1900 above, which is about 5.98% away from the current price, making it difficult for the market to break through. The sparse area of chips suggests that prices may fluctuate rapidly, but the accumulation of chips in the high price area creates strong pressure, and caution should be exercised against further downside risks.
Meanwhile, the recent extreme decline in trading volume and decreased market activity indicate weak buying. Although KDJ has a golden cross, it is difficult to reverse the overall weak pattern. Open membership, unlock chip distribution indicators, accurately locate key support and pressure, and predict market turning points in advance!
The data is sourced from the PRO member's [ETH/USDT Binance 90 minute] K-line, for reference only, and does not constitute any investment advice.