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The market value of Meme coin has fallen to 5.67% after reaching a high of 9% in November 2024

2025-03-15 06:07

Odaily Planet Daily News: Ella Zhang, head of YZi Labs, shared a set of trend data on the market value ratio of Meme and non Meme coins: After experiencing drastic fluctuations, the market value ratio of Meme coins increased from 2.5% in February 2024 to 5% in March, and reached a peak of 9% in November 2024. However, since January 2025, this proportion has started to decline and has fallen back to 5.67% in February. Data shows that the Meme coin market rapidly expanded in the second half of 2024, with its market value reaching $111 billion in November 2024, accounting for 9% of the non Meme coin market. But as market sentiment cooled, the proportion fell back to 7.5% in early 2025 and further decreased to 5.67% in February. Analysis suggests that in the long run, the market will still focus on fundamental construction rather than short-term speculative behavior, and the true long-term builders will ultimately emerge victorious.

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